04. Trying out DB API
Trying out DB API
Start Quiz:
# To see how the various functions in the DB-API work, take a look at this code,
# then the results that it prints when you press "Test Run".
# Then modify this code so that the student records are fetched in sorted order
# by student's name.
import sqlite3
# Fetch some student records from the database.
db = sqlite3.connect("students")
c = db.cursor()
query = "select name, id from students;"
rows = c.fetchall()
# First, what data structure did we get?
print "Row data:"
print rows
# And let's loop over it too:
print "Student names:"
for row in rows:
print " ", row[0]
User's Answer:
(Note: The answer done by the user is not guaranteed to be correct)
# To see how the various functions in the DB-API work, take a look at this code,
# then the results that it prints when you press "Test Run".
# Then modify this code so that the student records are fetched in sorted order
# by student's name.
import sqlite3
# Fetch some student records from the database.
db = sqlite3.connect("students")
c = db.cursor()
query = "select name, id from students order by name;"
rows = c.fetchall()
# First, what data structure did we get?
print "Row data:"
print rows
# And let's loop over it too:
print "Student names:"
for row in rows:
print " ", row[0]